For d last 2wiks, d desire to berhenti kerja sgt berkobar2. I dont know y, I have d coolest bos in town plus i have flexible working hour but still..i want more. (yes,manusia mmg tak reti bersyukur;p) Plus our last event, we actually faced lotsa probs here n there n i learnd a lot from dis event. Da ckp 78x nk berenti da jadi satu doa smpai my friends pun da nk muntah dengar but still tak berhenti2..heheh.. mmg ada plan nk berenti but im not stupid, kena la ada back up plan, dibuatnya kalau berenti then 5months tanam anggur pe cer?
Last2 afta almost one month bising nk berenti, tak jugak berenti hehehe...n im quite surprised lor my ofizmate lak diberhentikan kay (24hours notice!) pergh tetiba scary lak ths company, sesuka suki suku je nk berenti org . He said d staff tak perform .
However, my bos telah menaikkan darjat ku kepada anotha level as i have to run a project (naik pangkat tak naik gaji okey u olls, so tadak belanja2 ye.;p) Been given 5staffs under me, so its gonna be a challenge la s i have to come out with a solid plan for the project. D next 2 months struggle la (cait, struggle la sangat..hehehe) nk fulfill d task n hupfuli i can do it..
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