Saturday, February 28, 2009

La..La..La.. Hari Hari Kerja...

La..La..La.. Hari Hari Kerja...

Di pagi yg tenangg....di hari Isnin yang memblueskan...Di saat waktu berhenti ....Kosonggg.....
Its d same old things whereby im doing my typical daily routine. Bangun pukul 8.30 and around 9.30 br nk start engine kereta (yes fellow friends, envy me all d way guys, i mmg one of d shareholder kat office tuhhhh...;p) Then everytime i start d engine, ill say hello & kish my Horny Bunny. Der goes my sentimental feeling n emotion there;p wink!

Horny Bunny (wicked bunny...grrr...;p)

Wikidi Wikidu hati sanggaatt tenang melihat meter minyakku yg melimpah ruah hasil sumbangan derma ikhlas drp Emran, xsia2 hati nuraniku berniat baik to fetch him from d airport in d middle of d nite, xexpect la dia isi full tank but tenkiu duhling:) So back to my canvas here, hati jadi girang untuk drive to my workplace yg just 7km from my home (yesh, keep envy me)

Today afta masuk offc sekejap then pegi bangi at Avicenna Studio buat photoshoot for our company nk masuk untuk write up magazine..Bos ckp kitorang da mcm MLM team, suma takut nk dekat, takut kena dgr ceramah MLM...hikhik;p

Credit to Avicenna coz sponsor our photoshoot.Yeah Malaysian love FOC service:)

Okey after dat, d same old things la, blk office bos sponsor our lunch (hasil rengekan my ofcmate, ina) and then kitorang shoot pegi jumpa client bla bla bla... Around 6.30 baru dpat balik rumahhhh (see, balik lmbat taw, so apa lah sangat kalau masuk offc lewat sejam dua kannnn..:) Dpat balik rumah mmg heaven, i love what im seeing..:) d scene yg i have to go thru untuk smpai kat rumah tu mmg menenangkan jiwa .. :) Cuba korang drive then korang imagine scenery mcm nih and dgr lagu Come away with meee by Norah what i mean?

And I want to walk with you

On a cloudy day

In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high

So won't you try to come?

Come away with me and we'll kiss

On a mountaintop.. Come away with me

And I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain

Falling on a tin roof

While I'm safe there in your arms

So all I ask is for you

To come away with me in the night

Come away with me ........(sigh)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Danial's Bday!!

Danial's Bday!!

Yap, special to my sugarplum!! Love u tayunk! despite of ur annoyin spoiled brat attitude, but hey..ure still my first born nephew whom i love d most!! mwarhs!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nephews Day Out!!

Nephews Day Out!!

Feb 9: Craziee but totally fun!! Di pagi yg cukup tenang when im thinking of to lepak2 watching tv, hv my own facial and going out will b d last thing on my mind...out of nowhere my sis hd pop out d idea 'lets bring out d kids to Alamanda!'
i was wayy......!!!!
Ehem, i end up following them to alamanda.i have 3 nephews + 1 niece, Danial & Danish (my bro's child) and Adam & Qaseh ( my sis's kiddo) owh yesh, these most annoying spoiled bra..semua mereka adalah ANAK SAUDARA kesayanganku:)

At first we headed straight to TOYS R US and my sis end up bought toys for them. Badminton set for Adam . Aloplane ( like Danial used to say it) for Danial and Army set for Danish. Me? Owh ive take this opportunity to view my perfect present for Valentine's Day and Ehem eHem..Hun, Ive Found one!

Taking care of this kiddy is like taking care of a thousand sheep! Got what i mean? but hey, i love them...!!of course for God sake, they are all my cayangss!!
I love to give an award for Adam for being d most handsome yet rebellious Froggy Prince. Thanks Adam coz making ur aunt lost her temper for 5mins!

Running around, screaming around (cant stand ths part) and dancing around adalah biasa for my notty little nephews but still i love them! anyway anyhow ive managed to spend tiny quality time with them!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What a Day!!

What a Day!!

Feb 7: Ive planned it well, one month before with proper schedule, time and everythg, i plan it properly considering all the possible circumstances dat may arise but then...nada...yilek..Hv u guys ever experienced dat?well, dats wht happend to me.

Hari Sabtu yang indah~*tetttt!!!!! sepatutnya im having futsal with my chicky girls at s.alam so dengan hati berbunga riang ive prepared d shoes and complete set to play futsal.

Habis kerja (yap, hari sabtu jua kerjaaaa u olllss) my schedule will be to memandu kereta dengan laju to KJ to pick up my gals and headed straight to s.alam but then 12.30pm..
'Yaya pergi Ampang Point byr deposit kat Sharon' dengan muka yang penuh keslumberan & tanpa usul periksa bos ku pun berkata...haish tadi pg2 xnk suruh..
Nadin offc at Ampang Point tutup pukul 1 and he ask me to send d cheque to sharon pukul 12.30pm peak hour plak tu..from puchong to ampang point...sempat kerr?

Xpe yaya, tabahkan hati...owcay so end up reach Ampang Point around 1.05pm and yeay! Sharon xbalik lagi..after dat trus balik offc and then dengan kelajuan maksima im heading to KJ tetapi........ 'yaya, futsal cancel pukul 3, postpone at 6pm'
i was likeee....what d heck??

Owh u cant do this to me girls coz ive another thingy things to do and to attend around 8 and i have to pick up my 'special vvip guest' n do my beauty routine first. Yap, my girls try to pujuk me by saying 'ala, u main for half an hour jer then u balik lar plus u rushing larr make up and everything' Gurls darl, as much as i love u guys, i cant do that coz as an event planner(duh) ive plan my event well:)

Dengan hati yang berat ive cancelld the futsal game (later i found out they cancld to play s well, tak ckup korumm). blablablabla (sedey nk cerita bab my second event yg kena cancel jugak nirrr) A quick one~* mE end up cancel jugak nk clb8 my bro bday party because unexpected obstacle a big one like a giant rock had arised so yada yada plan tak jadi jugakkkkk...

hurm..hari yg sedey (thanks to my old housemates at s.alam, kak Nad & kak Niza coz bagi me tumpang their house , siap masak dinner for me, luv ya sis!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

*My Life.My Way*

To my dearest hun :)

I always potray myself as a 'Im not simple, Im very complicated' coz yesh u olls, im not simple, well yarh, peeps did said, dont make ur life too pening, live in easy breezy way, but hey, where's d fun in it, where's d thrill?ur life have to give u
'makna kehidupan sebenar'

hikhik..afterall, when im 50years old (golden yearsssss) i want to look back and say to myself 'hey, been there done that'

Got what i mean?

cheers lovelies!!